Experiential Discovery

Your Experience

Helping you with the know-how to accomplish your most important needs for your work, your life and your key relationships.

To thrive in the corporate jungle, you have to be a true adventurer, focused on your destination, and able to navigate often previously unchartered territory.  Great resilience can be required as you have to frequently deal with “challenging” situations, skilfully navigating to safe terrain in order to enjoy the results of your efforts.  Sometimes it may seem like you are navigating a small boat on a turbulent ocean with a crew that can seem more of a hindrance than a reliable team or that your paymaster has little idea of what it takes to keep turning out great work.  Even so, the voyage can be exhilarating, and you are often happy to be consumed by it until… 

Human Catalyst Training

Perhaps you are beginning to realise when the thrill of this adventure ebbs away, you’re left with an emptiness….?  And then some form of wake-up call occurs…and you finally start to weigh it all up. Where will this work and life ultimately take you?  Who will be with you when you reach your destination?  What kind of person are you becoming?

If you could...

just stop the ceaseless call to action in your head to deliver results for a few minutes you might be interested to learn it’s possible to be the architect of your work and life where you evolve and learn a different way, no doctrines or other strings attached. 

We can work together and frame the relationships, experiences and habits that will enable you to become truly yourself, not just a highly functioning part in a well-oiled-corporate machine.  I can help you with the “hacks” and know-how to find the best ways to implement the changes you want in a way that is savvy to your life, work and key relationships.    

The Experiential Discovery Process

When puzzling out the question of who we are and how we can enjoy great relationships, the first step is to have a healthy curiosity in both what the science can offer but also a willingness to explore the edges of what we already understand.  Relatively recent discoveries that harness techniques from neuroscience provide evidence that our brains can constantly grow and improve, through neuroplasticity and stimulating them in a BrainSmart way.  With guidance and understanding you can grow new habits, discover previously unknown talents. 
What Is Experiential Discovery
Experiential Discovery
When combined with guided exploration into the nature of your conscious and unconscious mind you can learn to appreciate the transformational, and transpersonal, nature of your potential.  This is the gateway to finding a way to enjoy healthy relationships even in highly challenging situations where you might be triggered out of your comfort zone.   
Mindfulness Coaching
Knowing what genuinely inspires, what satisfies AND what brings both pleasure and pain helps us make wise choices.  THESE CHOICES get us in the zone we want to dwell in, where we learn to transcend the shadows of what’s not right for us.   

Perhaps you’re beginning to realise…. what person you’re becoming.

Have you ever pinned down what really “resonates” for you so that you can derive that delicious “hit” you get from nailing a challenging project in areas of your life that make you feel human too? 

Book A Call With Caroline

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